24 Hour Self Serve

8.5 + 10 pH Alkaline Purified Water

4318 – 29 Street Vernon, BC

About Us

Our Process to Purify Water Is:

  • Carbon filtration
  • A water conditioner to soften the water
  • It then passes through a 5 micron filter
  • Then fed into a 5 stage food grade stainless steel reverse osmosis system
  • Once through this stage it is then ozonated
  • And very importantly, it is fed into highly polished food grade stainless steel storage tanks
  • And last but not least, brought to you at the vending machines through all food grade stainless steel piping

Conveniently Located Close to the Vernon Village Green Mall and Highway 97!

We Provide Bottle Rinsing & Sanitizing

Our motto is: We Care About Your Health! We sell water, refillable glass bottles, ceramic crocks, the so-handy battery operated pumps, organic teas, and much more. Drop in for friendly service and a smile, not to mention the best quality products we can provide.

Vending machines

Vending machines are open
24hrs per day, 7 days a week